democrats throw a hissy fit


The Grumpy Grease Monkey mechanical engineer.
Staff member
I found much of this posted elseware but I found it SO TRUE

I'm always rather amazed that we the American people put up with the "idiots in congress"
Democrats Throw hissy Fit, Stage ‘SIT IN’ on House Floor – THIS is Their Demand
A majority of House Democrats chose to behave like spoiled 3 year old children this morning to protest the governing body’s refusal to ignore due process and set up a process to nullify the second amendment rights of American citizens. The staged protest was purely for the medias benefit,purely political left wing posturing, devoid of any real reason facts or substance.

The Liberal lawmakers failed to mention a vast majority of the names on the gun violence list , they read were shot by illegal guns in a city with some of the most stringent gun restrictions in the nation – Chicago.

Even C-Span apparently did not find the Democrats sit in very influential or interesting.

The government news entity simply turned off its cameras and went out to enjoy some lunch while the House was in recess.

The Democrats had to start posting frantically to their social media accounts to garner any attention for their new gun control movement.

The Democrat go-to knee-jerk reaction to any mass shooting or act of terrorism is to try and take the Second Amendment apart piece by piece in both an unconstitutional and illogical and illegal manner.

None of the bills the Liberals proposed would stop radical Islamic terrorist from trying to kill Americans every chance they get – the legislation would simply reduce gun rights of law-abiding people and make us all less safe.

Once again, common sense, and any hint of understanding of how or why the U.S. constitution even exists is severely lacking in the Democrat party!



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A Retard has more Commen sense than those Democrats Grumpy.

Excuse my French.....they need to take
Never return.
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when you look at the facts,
its the DEMOCRAT's EMOTIONAL THEATER , at play here,
trying to ignore , and subvert,
its the FBI failure to bother to prevent,
many ISLAMIC terrorists from completing fire arms purchases
as the FBI CURRENTLY get's notified,
under existing law,
when a person on the no-fly list,
starts the paper work on a gun purchase

but Id remind you ,
that criminals don,t bother to obey laws and if they can smuggle tons of drugs into this country annually, theres nothing stopping criminals from throwing in a case of automatic weapons in every large illegal shipment, if there extra profit to be made
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IF you don,t fully understand the need for DUE PROCESS and WHY the dems want to push the agenda
Imagine being told, by some OBAMA DEMOCRAT appointed health department....that in order for you to hold a job or have your kids go to school, you must be vaccinated, for the FLU virus, to reduce the general public's risk of getting sick.
since so many people have deduced on their own that vaccines may cause autism....and you were must have autism.
And since we the government have there for proven your autistic,
( BECAUSE YOU WERE "VOLUNTARILY" VACCINATED) they have decided that you're autism, is classified as a mental illness... there for we the government are throwing you into the local nut house, or at a minimum placing you on a list of prohibitive persons, We're not going to actually evaluate you. We're not going to give you a chance to plead your sanity. We're just deciding that you are part of the risk factor group so we're locking you up, or placing you on a list, so you can,t buy a firearm! "for your own good of course"

That is what the no fly list is.
YEAH! you think I'm nuts .
it could never go that far!
been to the family doctor lately?

been asked questions similar to these?
" how often have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless?”
“Have you had any thoughts of suicide?”
“How is your sleep lately?”
“How is your energy?”
“Do you prefer to stay at home rather than going out and doing new things?”
" do you drink alcohol"
"do you ever have problems falling asleep of feel excessively tired during the day"
" would you like to talk to someone that can help"

these questions are designed to find out if your "DEPRESSED"
and in a recent DEMOCRAT SPONSORED BILL, giving the "WRONG ANSWERS" would mandate you are put on a list of people EXCLUDED from gun ownership, that MANDATED your current firearms be CONFISCATED ... that BILL went no-ware but it shows the liberal mind set!!
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Your Not Nuts Grumpy.
No more than I am.

A Maniac.

I don't trust what's going on.
I don't go to Doctors.
Don't forget all the children growing up with ADHD drugs and their potential for not being able to buy guns. On the Mental Ill List. Teachers were bad for wanting to have them on these drugs so they would calm down and behave in school.
Parenting and teaching sure is different today compared to when I went. Ass whoopins every day at school and when you got home.
I know this thread is old, but funny as hell.
Me being a bit of a gun nut and a fan of big block chevy's and NOT A LIBERAL BY NO MEANS .

It's like home:)
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