Another new member in Oklahoma and sometimes Texas


New Member
I'm new to the site, glad to see it all here as I was tired of digging for Grumpy's old posts on various corvette sites! I'm new to working on my own cars and thanks to the internet got my '85 vette from a dust covered non running heap into a decent running car in short time. I'm now in the process of putting pennies in a pile so that I can get a large enough garage to really take apart my cars and learn more.

Thanks for getting everything in one place! Looking forward to reading through everything.
over the years Ive had many requests to post all the info in one place, from my records and notes from the engine shop, I finally, decided it was almost mandatory after two sites I was a performance moderator on closed down and we temporarily lost access to years of posted info.Im slowly transferring info from my data base, in the shop to this site for you gentlemen to access and use.If youve got any requests Ill try and dig thru the notes and post on that subject, but keep in mind I do mostly engine builds on G.M. and MOPAR engines, and custom component fabrication, a few transmissions and suspensions,and very little in some other automotive areas