c8 car jacking story... with happy ending


The Grumpy Grease Monkey mechanical engineer.
Staff member
heres a story your very unlikely to see on the nightly news
when skilled ,law abiding citizens are armed,
the public is almost always safer


keep in mind the data, on gun ownership, is severely flawed, and that's easy to prove,
I know almost all my friends are firearm owners, many carry daily,
and most joke openly how they lie to poll takers on related questions.
there are far more guns owned than people, who will admit to owning guns if questioned!

most people will avoid admitting to gun ownership is questioned by a survey taker for several reasons
many don't want the neighbor's or friends to know, many feel its NONE of your damn business ,

many feel government confiscation is potentially at least a vague threat
or due to social pressures, land lord, rules etc.
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