Changes gear sizes


solid fixture here in the forum
Staff member
I changed the wheel size on a jeep wrangler. Original size was about 28 - 28.5 inches tall, the new size is about 32 - 32.5 inches tall. I swapped out both front and rear differentials from 3:07 to 4:11s. My question is what is the real ratio with the larger sized tires?
viewtopic.php?f=71&t=555 ... index.html

I think your asking what the effective difference is now that youve changed TWO major factors that effect the engine rpms vs actual car speed?
heres two similar charts showing the difference in the two rear gear ratios and tire diameters vs engine ad tire speeds, the gear ratio change effectively changes the rear gear ratio about 25% and the tire diam, change reverses it at about 14 percent, effectively leaving a change similar to swapping to a 3.43:1 -3.54:1 rear gear ratio

28" tire diam

32" tire diam
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