do the guys at most auto parts stores make you nuts?


Staff member
look Im well aware that the don,t get paid much, and they have to put up with customers that are absolutely clueless about their cars.
but I can,t count the times over the years Ive called ahead to verify they have the part I need and only after they verified it, drove down to find they did NOT have the part or part # or brand I requested, that I was assured was waiting on the counter for me!
but if youve got the job, your eventually going to either learn something about cars or quit , and the first thing they need to learn is the computers correct 90% of the time MAXIMUM
but if you walk in and know exactly what your looking for why do they always want to verify the year,brand,model,engine size, etc. and then when you tell them that it really doesn,t matter because you just want part # "XYZ"made by BRAND (E or BRAND C) they look like a deer caught in the head lights
I recently asked for a 10.4" clutch disc and pressure plate and throw out bearing, for a guys 1986 corvette, you would think I asked for a set of 2" exhaust valves for a 1912 Lincoln, I honestly think the guy I was talking to thought all corvettes had automatic transmissions??? and when I asked to look at the computer screen it was LIKE I was asking to see the plans for the next generation stealth bomber...
when I asked for rear brake pads for my 1996 corvette, this guy, asked me with a strait face... did that come with disc or drums??
and the parts costs can be insane, how about $37.00 for a box of 120 cotter pins at NAPA, vs $7 for 555 at harbor freight!
put them side by side and I guarantee you can,t tell a difference in quality on those!

"Hi, I need a Chevy V8 small block oil filter."

"What year?"

"A first Generation"

"What year?"

"Doesn't matter, Any."

"What year would that be, sir? I can't find the part without a make/model and year."


"A 1969 corvette chevrolet corvette with a 427."

"You have one of those??!?"

"Yeah, under construction. I'm starting with the filter."

"Oh!" (rummage, rummage) "Here you go, sir. That'll be $25."

"What the hell is that?!?!"

"Your part, sir."

"It's a paper cartridge!"


"Umm, that's NOT an oil filter."

"Are you sure you gave me the right make/model/year?"


"Ok, 1973 Chevelle with a 250L6."

(type, type, type)"It's the same part. That is your filter, sir."

"WTF, that is not my part and NOT an oil filter - check your computer."

(type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type.)

"Oh, I forgot a letter!" (type, type, type, rummage, rummage, rummage) "that'll be $12, sir" :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

"Here you go..." (Grmbl)

"Have a nice day!"


This really happened.
My favorite chain parts store routine;
Me; I need wiper blades for my Dodge Ram, 1999.
Dufus; Is that a 3.9, 5.2, 5.9 or 8.1? Automatic or manual?
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: