Have any Grumpster’s , recently paid a shop for rear gears change out ?

I’m looking to swap my 1995 corvette Dana 44 gear ratio from 3.07.1 to either 3.73.1 ‘s or the nuts on perfect equation 3.45.1 gears . Which with Grumpy’s trans first gear ration x Rear gear ratio calculator = s 3.45.1 optimal 10.10 final ratio . That being said .

I do not have time to do it myself , I am looking to pay the labor to my local Speed Shop guy . I am looking for some recent prices on this work . I know state to state there will be a little fluctuation. But , I would love to here some quotes . So I have a base line to dicker my price . I will purchase the gears , and necessary Kits . The labor is what I need please. If any of you pro wrench turners have the book on Labor hours that will get me all I need also . I love this forum because of the knowledge, wisdom and willingness to help a brother out . I will not post this on my C4 corvette forum because they just wanna argue and hijack threads lol
GOD bless ,
obviously if your in the seattle area your going to be paying a different price range than someone in fla, ark, texas or ohio etc.
and it would also help if you posted if you supply the parts & gears or the person doing the work is supplying the parts.

id suggest you contact the local corvette clubs for leads and get local experienced advice
corvette clubs in seattle wa. area

just related vette links

Thank you for your post , I in fact stated that prices would be different in different state as well as stating I would supply the parts and kits needed, if you re- read my post . I appreciate the effort , I could get criticized on my forum . Lol reading is import before you throw rocks . I thought I may get an idea from a member whom has had rear gears swapped lately , as stated also . I also was hoping with all the retired and current professional Mechanics that be a member, one may have a labor scope of hours book . I learned my lesson fast and will refrain from posting anymore threads asking for information .

GOD Bless,
PS why didn’t I think about calling local shops with no information on the questions I asked . So they could tell me their price with no information to bargain . Stupid me
obviously if your in the seattle area your going to be paying a different price range than someone in fla, ark, texas or ohio etc.
and it would also help if you posted if you supply the parts & gears or the person doing the work is supplying the parts.

id suggest you contact the local corvette clubs for leads and get local experienced advice
corvette clubs in seattle wa. area

just related vette links

Read the above , I forgot to include your helpful advise and well read review of my post
Im sorry you feel like everyone reading a post is going to remember exactly ,
what your goals are and info your previous posts contained.
while most of us are willing to help where we can, if you don't post related info or links to previous threads,
few people are going to start searching to find out what you are talking about, if you leave out info.
look your assuming anyone reading this thread has also read previous posts you made,
that is not always something that everyone or in fact most people would have done,
and in fact if you don't post either related info or a link to your previous posts , in a post, with that info,
very few , if any people will start searching any web site to look for some related posted info.
most of us will read any post and respond based on the info we see, in that post.
almost no one is going to be following, and searching past threads you post, to find out what you assume we might remember.
most people and that includes, myself read hundreds of posts daily, few if any of us reading those posts,
are going to start searching a series of previous post to find info you previously posted in a different series of threads.
I’m grinning because you are either one of the North Carolina civil’s (whom many are very good people) who parks his car outside the air strip at Bragg ,or your over at the Squid CC base where , I hear they even let you ladies train with Sig’s and live ammo ( of course not down Range ) The President saves that for the 1st SFG to TCB like always , either way you love to watch us fly off to keep you free !! Pretty woman there, they love soldiers!! I wish I was still there , I would certainly invite you to have a beer , lol …. They moved us to JBLM , left the 82nd so you can watch men fly in and out and jump out of C-133’s …. But ☝️Hundred and Fifth 1st Delta Charlie SFG is gone, I sure I know some of your women folk , if their pretty , Give them a kiss for me Nancy !! HoooooRaw !
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The simple answer, current for spring 2022.
The speed shops in our Tri-State area are pretty much aware of what other shops charge so they are usually about $140./hr labor. An independent suspension on a Corvette (pre torque tube years) R&R in the car is 10.5 hrs including R&R the gears. All Parts are in addition; spacers, bearings, u-joints, oil, lube, sealants and gaskets ect. Add state sales tax and (waste material cleanup usually 3 to 5% charged).
My experience has been in recent years that most shops no longer install your supplied parts, however there may be exceptions.
The shops (can) find trouble installing incorrect parts, fit issues and corresponding parts missing or incomplete. They often clearly state no warranty on either parts or labor. That could be because you side-stepped an opportunity for the shop to make a mark-up on the parts, or as it often happens - wrong or cheap parts.

I found that when you have a speedshop performing the work, get the cost of the parts bought through them up front as they should be competitive with most big name speed parts vendors.
Chrome bumpers,
Thank you my friend for taking the time to break down your experience. This exactly why I posted this question, to be able to gain some helpful past experiences to use a products of input in my budget equation. This is well written and explained thoroughly. I absolutely appreciate you sharing you knowledge and past experience . Your are a gentleman and true car guy . Thanks again .
GOD bless ,
Again Chromebumper you are absolutely on par with most shops not touching a project unless they supply the parts. I have however talked with the local top shelf speed shop and they will do swap , with my parts for $800. It is more more rare that this is the case as you correctly explained for warranty. The Gears for a good set of Yukons are right about the $ three and a half price point . All of your information is extremely accurate from what I’ve discovered on my quest. Again my friend , you have been very helpful and I hope that our input in this thread from your prior experience and my calling around to gather info on the scope and price of this project. Thank you very much brother !!!
GOD bless ,