interesting video

girl brings up an interesting point about hollywoods glorification of female empowerment through firearms and their actual political stance that no one should have guns because they are evil. even clint eastwood is famously a gun control goon who thinks the second amendment is antiquated
when you look into WHY the elitist Democrats in control of the party,who actually make party policy want to remove the availability of firearms from the population and cut thru the rather obvious smoke screen they always refer to about reducing crime, the truth is its to maintain ABSOLUTE control. you can,t have a police state with an armed populace.
the whole liberal concept of reality is based on the concept of the NEED FOR total government control ,and that AVERAGE individuals are generally too stupid to make any rational decisions,on their own, and the ELITE few should have all power, and as such the average guys should gladly give up all rights and be content to be directed by, cared for, and provided for, by a all powerful government , that will require them to pay a huge percentage of their individual earnings to support that government for the privilege,of no longer needing to take any responsibility for their, welfare or actions, and the security of being told what to do and how much to pay, this of course mandates that no possible individual thought process or individual responsibility is even a factor, as the IDEAL NANNY STATE would be by definition be totally controlling over every facet of your life from cradle to casket
In an ideal liberal society you can,t be allowed to defend yourself or have weapons in a IDEAL POLICE STATE, as it defeats the whole concept, of a liberal utopia , it infers you might be required to take some responsibility for your own welfare, and that you might come to harm, and might need to take individual action to prevent it! after all the whole idea that you as an individual could be allowed to break the law or resist someone else who was breaking the law, by defending yourself infers that the states NOT IN TOTAL CONTROL. and what gives all liberals screaming nightmares is the idea some one ,some place, at some time, might do ANYTHING... WITHOUT DIRECT GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION,PRIOR GOVERNMENT APPROVAL, MANDATED LICENSING AND BEING HEAVILY TAXED... why the very concept that you might be required to think for yourself or take personal responsibility for your actions or safety makes liberal nauseous

you might want to think of liberal utopia as an ant colony,where youll be told what to do, but never worry about where youll live or having enough too eat, where individuals are born and work solely for the benefit of the group and any single individually has near zero value, and they are not expected to do anything, not being directed by the group.