Surprise! I’m back!


solid fixture here in the forum
Staff member
It’s been a crazy few months to say the least. I tried returning from vacation early October and the airport had me on the terror list so no way back into this country. So then I come to find out when I returned to the place I was staying my credit cards were all being declined - apparently I was dead and never knew it. Oddly this is the second time in the last 14 months the “system” has killed me off therefore everything you need is notified and shut down. It took me 3 weeks working with the State department and the US embassy to get things cleared up. Even the insurance companies started issuing checks to my beneficiaries and that in itself created a perfect storm.

For some unexplainable reason (for the most part) I can’t get through November each year without without some medical emergency but this year I wasn’t about to be laid up in the hospital again. I kept my mouth shut and moved on through a difficult 5 weeks.
The first annual hunt I worked relentlessly to organize went off better than I expected. Not the number of people I expected, only half of those that said they’d be here showed and one woman - the widow of one of the invited is an avid hunter and a State Trooper. Six Bucks were tagged in 3 days, one for each hunter and when the last one was bagged late on the third day everyone was satisfied and 5 headed home. The weather was a bit too warm and I thought that would hamper efforts but everyone thought it was too easy.

I have some errands to get done so I’ll finish this up later

well glad everything's eventually being worked out.