your trans fluid smells bad and looks dark?


Staff member
if its been over 80K miles the fluids due for a change regardless of the condition as its past due!
First don't rush into changing it. Examine the fluid condition, if its dark and burnt there's a REASON and you better locate that CAUSE or the transmission won,t last under those conditions.
sometimes adding or changing fluid gets blamed for transmission failures, as shortly after the fluid change the transmission screws up because if the fluid is bad for a while the detergents of new fluid , wash crud loose and clog up things.

if the fluids burnt and dark its usually the result of burnt clutch bands , and changing the fluid may or may not help,and detergents of new fluid new fluid will tend to clean out the trans, but the crap in the current burnt fluid is sure to clog and damage the trans, over time, swapping to new fluid might get blamed for the trans failure, but it was well on its way to failure at that point regardless of the fluid change,and keeping the burnt contaminated fluid in service is sure to screw up the trans, the best thing you can do will be to change the filter and fluid and ADD A DECENT TRANS COOLER if you don,t currently have one, and having a shop change out the fluid and flush the converter is smart
