youve got a 5 spd TKO and its a dog in 5th gear


The Grumpy Grease Monkey mechanical engineer.
Staff member
ok youve installed a 5 speed TKO trans and a 3.08-3.54 rear gear ratio..and found that while cruising in 5th gear its a dog unless you downshift, especially with a performance cam designed for the 3000rpm-6500rpm band many guys use!,m like the CRANE 119661, or TPIS 409 cams.
its the result of the gearing not matching the engine combos designed operational rpm band
if you swap to a 4.10:1 rear gear the cars basic responce and driving charicteristics will be noticably improved with that cam,simply because youll accellerate noticably faster with less resistance from the drive train,and youll be much happier:thumbsup:, a swap to a 3.73:1 won,t be enought of a change to effect results noticably.
the guys are more than likely correct, your out of the engine and cams intended power band in 5th gear,theres just insufficient torque to easily move the car with the current gearing, a 3.54-3.73 swap only moves the rpm band about 6% , moving to a 4.10:1 moves it a full 15%, that might not sound like much untill you play with this calulator, but it won,t effect your real top speed much it will effect and help your accelleration at part throttle and at the track if youve got slicks