its a great idea to personally inspect or have a skilled mechanic inspect any corvette BEFORE you buy


The Grumpy Grease Monkey mechanical engineer.
Staff member

I can't begin to tell you how many times I've seen guys buy a used corvette even off a car lot,
let alone off some guy you see advertise on a web site or in a paper like AUTO TRADER
only to find "the corvette has a few issues the seller failed to disclose" :facepalm: :swearing:
now this can be something rather simple like the fuel pump cuts off occasionally, or the door locks seldom work,
but it can be serious like the transmission slips or there's several burn engine valves, or coolant in the crankcase.

at the very least carefully examine and test drive the car, verify the ownership and licensing paper work,
have the DMV verify the VIN number and ownership matches the make exact model and year of your car correctly,

if your in a state that has emission testing make the current owner have it tested,
and get the paperwork certified, that it passed, take at least a 15 minute test drive,
try all the power windows, air conditioning,brakes watch the gauges check, back up cameras ETC
before you buy the car