
The Grumpy Grease Monkey mechanical engineer.
Staff member
the Texas laws like 30/06 make no sense ,
anyone about to carry out a mass killing will ignore them
(gun free zone stickers)100% of the time,

anyone who is a law abiding citizen , who chooses to be un-armed , will voluntarily,
thus be un-armed and un-able to counter one of these mental whackos/murdering criminals ,
if the situation unfolds if they comply and leave the gun in the car outside.
face facts you run a huge financial risk by not complying... yet,
your very unlikely to be arrested for concealed carry if you are polite and law abiding,
as how would they know your carrying concealed if you do so correctly ,
and the handgun can't be seen, but being butchered by some whacko while your gun is feet,
away, from you locked in your car, laying useless in your car,
because some idiots feel safer seeing the sign on the door, as they enter, seems absurd...
--to the more liberal mind- set,
being saved from being killed by some criminal lunatics,
by someone not wearing the correct uniform ...

WELL IN THIER MINDS THAT just won't count!

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I don't know how you might think, but I try hard to AVOID,
going into any place that's listed as a (GUN FREE ZONE) or spending my money there!
I figure if they stick a big gun free zone sticker on the door they don't want my money,
and I can do without their products & services.
and with the exception of hospitals and a few other areas generally don't go into places,
or deal with businesses that have those huge (gun free zone signs)on the doors
and in many cases like restaurant's I tend to ignore the signs
,(yes its a legal risk) but so is being unarmed and leaving my family defenseless.
I figure since I'm polite, observant and will leave any place at the first indication of a problem,
my life expectancy on average is less likely to be compromised or limited that way.
anyone stupid enough to think that criminals will not rob or shoot up someplace,
simply because of the posted sign on the door is a total moron,
Id much rather have, and assume there's a few randondom observant & lawful patrons,

who carry concealed, frequenting most places,most of the time,
and the criminals knowing they are very likely to be on the location,
carrying concealed, in every business location to help limit the potential mayhem,
should some wack job try to shoot up the establishment
criminals by definition ignore laws and commit crimes :facepalm:
and you act like a normal sane person,

as my dad used to say,
"if you draw your handgun it better be to use it immediately to ACCURATELY shoot,
WHO! you drew it to shoot!
and precisely hit WHO! you intended to shoot"

and you better hit what you intended to shoot)
you have almost no justification to draw a gun unless,
its to obviously prevent your own life or someone else's life from being taken / DESTROYED,
threat must be obvious and potentially lethal to EVERYONE to justify use of that level of defensive lethal force

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southern gal explains reality to a total idiot
this video sounds like almost 99% of the wives of the guys I grew up with
but most of them would have pulled out a pump 12 gauge, or 357 mag,
while explaining reality to this moron
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Handgun Wounding Factors: A Caliber Effectiveness Guide for Self Defense and Body Damage

How do we create the ultimate stopping power for law enforcement? This guide discusses existing research on caliber wounding factors and effectiveness.

The Best Self Defense Ammo - Interactive Ballistics Data Table

Need to know what the best self defense ammo is? Our interactive ballistics table has the information you need to make the right decision.

10mm vs .45 ACP - Cartridge Comparison - Sniper Country

Which cartridge has more power 10mm or 45ACP? Our expert tested both to show you their stopping power, velocity and more..
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We had a situation where a cop shot a kid after fleeing a drive by shooting and the idiots around here started blocking highways and 2 times I missed them by seconds both times coming home from work where I can't carry and I made up my mind that you want to stand in front of my truck then you better be prepared to be run over by it

be aware your ALWAYS legally responsible for your actions,
and even if you do the "RIGHT THING" you can be sued in some cases

I think a great many firearm owners would be amazed at how much difference frequent practice,
with your weapon of choice makes in how well you can operate that weapon .
and how fast and smooth you are and how accurate you can be unders stress!

I'm not nearly as good/consistently accurate with a handgun as I used to be, simply because,

I'm not running through thousands of cartridges a month Like I used to,
but I was pleasantly pleased with the results I got at a local range using both a 6" barrel S&W 22lr revolver,

and an 8" 357 MAG S&W revolver
but from what I saw at the local indoor range I'm confident Im proficient!

it might be hard to imagine but there's a small percentage of the population that really thinks that they have a "RIGHT" or "obligation" to take anything they want, from anyone, at any time , simply because they can do so by use of force, or holding the threat of violence, over the weaker members of society! they think making weaker people submit to them, is how society is designed to function.
some actually say that to not do so, only shows their obvious personal weakness!

mix that mental flaw with drug use and the criminal minority becomes very violent,
if the rapid and certain, inevitable response, by those in charge of society is not far more ominous and terrible and even frightening than anything they hope to gain.
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short version,
always be aware of your surroundings' and have a weapon on you that your skilled at using handy
don't go into areas, or at times where your at more risk if possible
example going to a auto teller that's only walk up accessible from the parking lot, in a crappy area of town,
alone ,after dark is marginally more risky.
in FLA, most of my adult neighbors, friends, buddies, were regularly CCW, holder's,
and most of us tried to no go into more risky areas , unless traveling in pairs or groups, yes it sucks but,
we had seen many people having cars contents stolen, guys were mugged if traveling alone.
at gas stations, pizza joints or when leaving auto tellers at banks.
its always a good idea to have at least one spare full magazine
"I try to carry two full spares", or several speed loaders for a revolver and carry your handgun concealed
thugs & muggers tend to travel in small groups, be aware and ready to defend against several aggressors not just one
don't get tunnel vision thinking if you have one thug disarmed the threats over, continue to always be aware of your surroundings
if your observant your always far less likely to need to use a firearm.

I've hunted with a handgun for over 5 decades, for hunting you really get better performance with a hard cast bullet, but for self defense you want limited penetration, read the links, and I'm rather convinced that the 357 mag with a 4" or ideally 6"-8" barrel loaded with a decent hollow point bullet, in the 125-158 grain weight range is one of the best self defense options, but the 40 S&W, 45 acp, 10mm, 41 mag are also decent options and a 9mm with select plus p, ammo is in many longer barrel full size pistols a decent option
its precise SHOT PLACEMENT that's the key not the power level or in most cases the cartridge you select to use

Handgun Wounding Factors: A Caliber Effectiveness Guide for Self Defense and Body Damage

How do we create the ultimate stopping power for law enforcement? This guide discusses existing research on caliber wounding factors and effectiveness.

The Best Self Defense Ammo - Interactive Ballistics Data Table

Need to know what the best self defense ammo is? Our interactive ballistics table has the information you need to make the right decision.

10mm vs .45 ACP - Cartridge Comparison - Sniper Country

Which cartridge has more power 10mm or 45ACP? Our expert tested both to show you their stopping power, velocity and more..
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  1. Crook Shot Dead After Successfully Robbing 2 out of 3 Workers​

    Russ Chastain 11.18.15
    Crook Shot Dead After Successfully Robbing 2 out of 3 Workers

    St. Louis, MO – Be careful what you ask for.
    That’s a lesson that was learned far too late by a 17-year-old crook, who reportedly confronted three men doing utility work on water lines.
    After successfully stealing the wallets of two of the victims, aged 49 and 58, the robber turned his gun on the third man, age 22. That victim didn’t have his wallet on him, so the bad guy demanded that he fetch his belongings from the truck where they were stored.
    Fortunately for humanity, but unfortunately for the jerk, the intended victim had a handgun inside the truck with his other things. In fear for his life, he turned on the crook and fired one shot, which hit the bad guy in the chest.
    Police said he died at the scene.
    Score one more for good guys with guns.
I don't know how you were raised, but I was aware that , and assumed that, most adults owned and carried a handgun
everyone in my home knew my dad had a pistol, and us kids , and every kid I ever talked too, also knew touching your dads handgun without direct supervision was totally forbidden, I think society made a bad turn when, it decided that
parent's could not spank kids that disobey direct orders, there were things we were taught early and one was there were CONSEQUENCES' if you disobeyed,!
there was no mystery about guns in my home, dad brought us along, on trips to the local target range,or rural areas where shooting was allowed, and if we asked he would allow us , under direct hands on control, to shoot a handgun, and we saw that it punched holes clear through things like melons or boards.

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think about it!
if some criminal kicks in your door right this second ...
how vulnerable, defenseless and screwed are you?
yeah just because you have a weapon in the bedroom closet, its worthless if you can't reach it.

one of the most important things you can teach is that if you state in a firm voice some command, instant reaction to obey is mandatory
you can argue later but you must train the wife and family to trust your judgement for their safety .
(obviously you must never abuse this, and it certainly helps if your wife's developed an interest in protecting the family also,
and has got some skill with weapons and martial skills) all your lives might depend , on orders like "get in the car now!:" or
get the shotgun!, call the police!, and you damn sure have to train the wife and family as they become of appropriate age to use defensive weaponry and be skilled in basic first aid skills
most rural country gals know the basics,
but every adult should be familiar with operation of a family shotgun or handgun,
where the fire extinguishers and med kits are!
how to drive a car or truck, and use of bandages etc.

heres what strict gun control gives you, the liberal political elite is well aware that criminals ignore laws
gun control is never about reducing crime its about control over the people , especially if the political elite has future plans,
to mandate laws that the population will resist. perhaps violently.
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