anyone about to carry out a mass killing will ignore them
(gun free zone stickers)100% of the time,
anyone who is a law abiding citizen , who chooses to be un-armed , will voluntarily,
thus be un-armed and un-able to counter one of these mental whackos/murdering criminals ,
if the situation unfolds if they comply and leave the gun in the car outside.
face facts you run a huge financial risk by not complying... yet,
your very unlikely to be arrested for concealed carry if you are polite and law abiding,
as how would they know your carrying concealed if you do so correctly ,
and the handgun can't be seen, but being butchered by some whacko while your gun is feet,
away, from you locked in your car, laying useless in your car,
because some idiots feel safer seeing the sign on the door, as they enter, seems absurd...
--to the more liberal mind- set,
being saved from being killed by some criminal lunatics,
by someone not wearing the correct uniform ...
WELL IN THIER MINDS THAT just won't count!
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Post Texas 30.06 and 30.07 Signs to Ccommunicate your rules for concealed and open carry of handguns. Free shipping over $19.95.

Elisjsha Dicken praised for actions in Greenwood Park Mall shooting
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NRA-ILA | CPRC: FBI Wrong – Armed Citizens Stopped at Least 34% of “Active Shooter” Attacks
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