solid fixture here in the forum

Okay, first pic is through a structure that already existst, it will come down! The shop I want will be 18ftX25ft. In that picture the fence pole with the rectangular sign, about 1 ft left the shop will start and continue 25 ft to about 2ft past the gate in the second picture. Then 18 ft deep. It will have one roll up door for car entry and will be located next to the gate in the second picture, and also have regular door entering from the backyard. I have access to power along the side where the roll up door. Install a 140-150 amp breaker in the house’s main, run a 4 ga 240 line from the new breaker along back down power in from the main powerline right down to a centrally located sub panel in the shop and have 2-3 110 circuits and 1- 50 amp 240 circuit for welders! What do you guys think?