But do you do that when you really want or need that item?Another thing they do is have a friend always bid higher... and then when the friend wins they tell you he cancelled and you are the next highest bidder.
I always say: no deal. Do auction over. Tho I do not bid the second time.
I admit I was passively looking for this bumper for at least 2 yrs. Whenever the thought crossed my mind I would zoom Craig’s lists in the lower 48 states, check eBay and do a WWW search for the bumper. I was planning on calling all the junk yards in the dry regions of the US when I finally needed to get serious about finding one.
It’s just that the rest of the car looks really nice and the rear bumper is rusted, dented and crooked and it could turn away a good buyer who doesn’t want the hassle of hunting for and installing a bumper.
Pontiac made a lot of these cars however not many survived.