typical elk terrain


The Grumpy Grease Monkey mechanical engineer.
Staff member
I found these pictures posted elsewhere that give you some idea of good elk terrain.
Elk are far from stupid they prefer cover and easy access to water and feed,
you seldom see them standing out in meadows at 400 plus yards in good elk country ,
simply because the terrains rolling hills covered in brush and trees,
magazine photos are generally taken in national parks where elk have learned most tourists are not hunting them
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while all the magazines seem to promote and advise the mandatory need for a rifle that easily shoots 500 yards, I've been hunting elk for decades with a 358 win BLR, a marlin 45/70 lever action, a SAKO 375 H&H carbine and a 340 fibermark weatherby, and I've had maybe 2 shots opportunities at over 250 yards in 50 plus years, and almost all elk taken were shot at under 230 yards