can I move my lift?


Staff member
"hey grumpyvette ?
I purchased a 4 post lift about 6 years ago and recently lost my job, and find I need to move to a new town about 500 miles away where I purchased a bigger garage /home but it doesn,t have a lift and I'm hoping I can just throw the current 4 post lift on a trailer and haul it to my new home, any advice?"


most quality lifts are DESIGNED to be easily disassembled for transport

Ive never moved one FULLY assembled ,but I have disassembled , moved and RE-assembled one, and its NOT that difficult , take lots of pictures, or better yet make the homes new owner a killer deal on that lift and buy a newer better lift and save the work, expense, potential problems , and get a new lift installed in your new location, and you may want to consider a two post if you work on cars vs just mostly park them.
obviously if you do decide on transporting a fully assembled lift , lowering it to the lowest position , fully strapping it to a trailer of adequate size and checking with laws in the state your transporting the lift on a trailer in, for height restrictions would be a great idea, as would renting a decent size flat or equipment trailer or car transport trailer, obviously if you own a good auto transport trailer this is far easier, but having moved lifts in the past I would again point out that partial disassemble for transport is neither all that difficult or time consuming
this is one more in an endless list of reasons owning a car transport trailer and possibly a welder can be a huge help, in this hobby, Ive seen used trailers sell for well under $800 and if you pay some moving company to disassemble transport and reassemble the lift its going to cost you a good percentage of that cost.


read thru these


