dealing with jealous morons


Staff member
your always going to run into a few jealous morons, if your driving a nice car ,especially if your driving a corvette with several other corvettes in a group.

I remember driving into Disney parking lot with my black 96 corvette, my son driving his 1992 black corvette , and my freind AL driving his black 1994 corvette,a year ago or so, we all parked side bye side , I thought it looked rather nice , having three very similar cars parked next to each other.
as the wifes and I got our stuff out to go into the park some moron in a rusty 1974 mustang pulls up opens the window and says,
"wow I didn,t know they allowed that much chevy $%^& into the park at one time!"

I quickly took out a digital camera I was going to use in the park,and made it very obvious that I was taking several clear pictures of him and his car and license plates, making it very obvious I was doing so in such a way that his picture and license plate were clearly taken.!

he then said
"need pictures of a good car, is that it?"

not really, I said smiling...I just want my company security, and Disney,s security, people too, have detailed pictures, an instant detailed record of and to know who to contact, hold responsible, and who to have arrested if theres any damage to the cars when I return, besides it only takes my brother, a few minutes to run your plate numbers ,from the pictures I just uploaded too verify your picture etc. then I smiled and we walked off into the park:thumbsup:

IM sure that took a few seconds to start sinking in mentally as he didn,t look to bright, but it hardly would be a great idea on his part to escalate anything at that point
Too much admiration can be an issue too...

Last night (23:00) I heard some chatting in front of my driveway. Turns out a couple of guys were standing right in front my driveway, close to the TT's bumper and were chatting, pointing and waving at it. They weren't touching. Problem was - beer cans and they were clearly drunk. I was concerned that their admiration would turn to reckless or bad will. They kept on walking back and forth along my driveway for 25 min! But they never got closer or crossed the threshold of my humble abode. Yeesh! Gotta start closing my gate. ;)
I guess there are a couple of ways to shoot criminals......sometimes with lead and sometimes with pictures. That was quick thinking Grumpy!