Make your own MSD advance bushings


Well-Known Member
Stumbled across this and thought it might be helpful for folks here..

I'm running a Mallory setup but it appears the bushings are the same size.

"So you're working on your MSD dizzy equipped hot rod, and you think to yourself:

"Self, I sure wish I had a wider selection of advance stop bushings for this dizzy than the 18,21,25 and 28 degree bushings supplied by MSD. Wow, how cool my world would be!"

Well, you can, but you have to make them yourself. Fortunately your friend Scouder has developed a formula that will tell you how big the diameter should be. The formula appears to be accurate to about 1/4 of a degree. If you need it more accurate than that TFB.

Diameter in inches = .531 - Desired advance * 0.0089

For example, if I want 24 degrees of initial, and a total of 36, then I need a 12 degree advance.

.531 - 12 * .0089 = .424
Enjoy, and happy hot rodding."