Maryland law on older cars changes

So owning one will insure that no one else can, as I read it. No modifications from original, including shving the door handles. Someone will fight this,betcha' !!!!
I am from California so this does not apply here although... How I read this is that you can register as a class A or class L. I f you agree to a class L then you must abide by the conditions and that includes the registration not being transferable.
The advantage of the class L is lower state fees but at the cost of lower/restricted driving privileges and the fees not being transferable like a Class A.
Seems to be about $$.
its almost always about generating MONEY for the politicians who generally claim the goal is a cleaner environment, of course any excuse is good if it gives them more MONEY, or even if it only keeps the name recognition current, because they generally don,t give a crap about anything but keeping the job and the side financial benefits
Not that I disagree although do I detect a bit of a rant?

Rant is correct because we are heading into another depression from like the 1930s not the 1990s, and will be open to warfare from outsiders and insiders. How much more do you think the people of the U.S. will take?
I lie cheat and steal everything I can get from the Gov'mnt, as most other people do also by not declaring EVERYTHING on their taxes each year. Do you list all tools and guns, shop equipment, lottery winnings? Think about it and then read about the laws in your state about taxes.
I'm sure when they do something similar in California I will be upset as well. Pls dont take the term "rant" personally since it was intended to be tongue in cheek. I agree our government is far too fat and like a leach will kill its host then move on if that is what it takes. I won't go as far as say that I lie, cheat or steal on my taxes but take every opportunity I can get to keep my taxes to a minimum and if I walk a thin line in doing so then so be it.

Back to what I thought was the original subject of your first reply to Grumpy.
I was pointing out my interpretation of the document on the link.
It looks like you register as either an A or an L and if it is an L then you agree on the terms otherwise you register as an A and can modify it, transfer ownership with the registration.
Really the document itself is not so bad although I am not sure what your current laws are so I have no clue what is being taken from you in the new law.

Again hope there are no hard feelings... Just conversation.

yeah I suppose RANT fits some what, I get tired of seeing constant incremental infringement on our rights, and out right power grabs by politicians that assume were too stupid to see the intent
yeah I suppose RANT fits some what, I get tired of seeing constant incremental infringement on our rights, and out right power grabs by politicians that assume were too stupid to see the intent

SHEEPLE!! Until someone does as our Founding Fathers did and put their lives on the line for freedom from OUR Government obsession about money will be the end of this Democracy.

American Dream ==To OWN your own home and land and to be used at your discretion. Democracy has taken that from us.

If it is paid for- it should never be taxed again IMHO.

Of subject of OP. Sorry.
"If it is paid for- it should never be taxed again IMHO. "
especially PROPERTY TAXES..
thats just government EXTORSION ...
they basically say
" yeah! you may have worked all your life to build that home and pay it if,
but if you don,t fork over a percentage of its current assesed value every year
yeah you might have paid $100K but we will tell you its now taxed at $600K 40 years later
(that WE the government will assign and MANDATE the value)
youll find your butt out on the street and we will sell it out from under you in a heart beat!
There's an argument that you are taxed on the money you earn and then you are continuely taxed on what ever you do with that same money.
When I was young and learning the ways of business I was amazed to find out that I had to pay earnings taxes on money I put back into a business by increasing inventory and equipment. It's really hard to pay taxes with money that looks like retail products and office equipment, tools, etc. On top of the earnings taxes I then had to pay PROPERTY taxes on the tools, office equipment, and other items that had been purchased. And everyone wonders why so many start ups fail within a couple years.
And many people get around paying any taxes. People think the IRS can see everything and has access to everything and that is not true at all. Depending on the amount involved determines the extent to which they allocate resources to your case. Your bank account records have to come from you or court ordered. You can, by several ways, eat up too much time for an agent to continue working on your case. The IRS has budget constraints, over-worked agents and managers with time limits. Tax payers make many of the same common mistakes. Don't claim too much, leave some crumbs for use later. Don't try to write off the space in your home, office, garage or yard space. These allowances usually raise flags automatically. Trade mags, clothes, charity, can wait. If you regain 10% of the write-offs in audit your penalties must be reset at zero and the audit is closed. The IRS has 30 days to notify you they want to continue the case.