never leave home unprepared to defend yourself


The Grumpy Grease Monkey mechanical engineer.
Staff member
I was awoken a few nights back, at about 3 am with the wife moaning, obviously in distress/pain,
she's marginally diabetic so I have a long history,
of having to deal with the wife and her related medical related issues.
she refused to eat or drink anything and had not previously eaten or drunk anything , even water, for at lease 18-20 hours previously,
and she was incoherent, argumentative. (when she gets that way theres something serious and wrong, she needs fluids and food.
I don't know why but when she refused to eat or drink, she thinks its my fault she feels like crap, and somehow its my fault she feels bad!
I tried to get her to drink and eat but she was very incoherent, argumentative.
in fact she acted like it was some how my fault she felt badly.
I wanted to take her to the local emergency room, as she was not making no sense, and wanted to argue with me.
I called my son, to help and get his thoughts on her condition, as I was worried about her,
now 99% of the time I dress , to go out I dress with a handgun, and a spare magazine, keys, wallet, cell phone , pocket knife, etc.
last night in the rush to get her out in the truck and to the emergency room,
I left my glock under the pillow, something I almost never do!
because in Texas many hospitals have signs saying ccw not allowed!
on the way to the hospital my son suggested we stop at a local 7/11 to buy her some gator aid orange,
as I pull into the parking lot there's a rather un-kept individual , looking like mid 20s/ perhaps Hispanic,
pacing rapidly back and forth maybe 30 feet repeatedly , back and forth in front of the door,
he was talking loudly to himself or maybe to someone on a cell phone,
this looked suspicious, but either way it looked rather odd.
my son suggested we go in and out rapidly, from the store, and get what my wife needed ,
I counter suggested mostly due to my realizing my lack of armament at hand,
and seeing this guy who looked like he might be on drugs or maybe just a bit crazy,
and our need to get to the emergency room, we just drive to the next available
gator aid vendor, as the hospital is 18 miles from the house, the 7/11 is one of several, we pass, on the route to the hospital
(the wife obviously needed liquids and perhaps food in her system,)
now obviously skipping the gator air purchase made sense as we had my wife acting irrationally talking she was still incoherent, argumentative.
as we were backing out, of the parking lot, a police car with lights on swung rapidly into the parking lot,
rapidly followed by a second and a third inside of a few seconds. the guy in front started running away.
the cops detained him and rushed inside. I pulled over to a un-occupied area, the cop waved me out of the area and motioned me to drive away.
I don't know what was going on but it was rather obvious I needed to drive to the emergency room for the wife ,
and I had no info to give, I was just happy I was not detained. but as I waited in the hospital admitting room I over heard the nurse saying they would have
more work shortly.
the wife spent the next 3 days having an I.V, and various other treatments as her blood chemistry out of wack, and she eventually recovered(at least temporarily) by the time I was through visiting the wife over the next three days I found out she was seriously dehydrated and it could have been a very serious problem if we had not got to the emergency room when we did, as she also had a urinary infection.
about the third day visiting the wife, I saw a local cop in the waiting room area, and asked him if he knew anything about the local 7/11 incident, a few days back,
it seems he was one of the responding cars
the guy out front of the place, pacing, was a buddy of some guy, who went into the 7/11, that night,
that guy, who started a fight with the employee, from what the cop told me, he pulled a knife on the employee.

he did not give more details, about the incident, but I was glad I was not involved.
I guess Ill never know what went on, but I will tend to make sure I'm more aware of what I carry as I leave the house.
and take the effort to be more aware of my surroundings.
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I'm glad you made to the hospital and your wife is OK now ! Guess you have to be vigilant and keep an eye of what she eats and drinks.
yeah it turns out she had a relapse last night , and I spent the morning and early afternoon today in the hospital with her
they told her to eat nothing but rice and oat meal and dry toast and drink lots of water apple juice and hot tea, for the next 24 hours
Once you are dehydrated you tend not to want to eat anything. Somebody in that condition will eat watermelon chunks. It will aid the body’s electrolytes and help initiate hydration. Keep some on hand for a while.
Another thing you can keep on hand are the push pops you freeze. Anyone that can be susceptible to dehydration and or a blood sugar upset due to not eating for long periods usually won’t fight you over sucking on these to get some bit of fluids.
Not something people usually know, when you are dehydrated and your electrolytes are low you actually don’t feel thirsty. That componds the situation even further. Things like the push pops, mellon or ice chips get the mind balanced enough to then want to drink.
I just missed getting into the blocking of highways crowd around here twice I missed it by seconds and both times I was coming from a school that I was working at and both times it turned violent and innocent people got hurt and I made a decision then if it ever happens to me I"m not stopping I will take my chances with a jury and as you can guess I can't carry and we never figured a way around that
Ray, there are a few ways you can erase a non conviction judgment to carry in PA. You didn’t mention any specific details. I have research privileges at Duke that you can use and get the law library clerk to help you file a Pro se petition to restore your previleges.
Rich I am allowed to carry I've been carrying for 35 years but I work at schools a lot and as you know thats a no no I can't even keep one in my truck and park off campus because where some of these schools are that would be worse