For those here that ccw, a question


solid fixture here in the forum
Staff member
Late last night a neighbor friend, Herman, called me asking for help. Earlier last night we were at a lodge meeting and afterwords he had to stop by his soon to be ex-wife's place, (he drove while I stayed in the car).
About 11 last night the police were at his door to arrest him for threatening his wife and pointing a gun at her.
We were there barely 5 minutes and Herman stayed on the front step, I could see him easily from where we parked in the driveway and I never seen any such activities. His wife claims her boyfriend was standing behind the door while this allegedly occurred.
I don't put anything past that woman to do anything to screw her husband but that is one of the lowest things I can think of to do to someone, this can ruin a person in several ways.. I always wondered how often it occurs that someone is accused of pointing their weapon when it never happened. As a carrier, don't you ever worry about this happening to you?
while it obviously will not apply here in this instance
rule #1
when you carry,concealed,
is that you are generally far FAR better off if no one but you knows your carrying, unless and until ,
it becomes all too obvious that your life is at risk.
Id get a damn good lawyer and sue her for making a false statement with the express intent to damage my right to carry as the VINDICTIVE ACT of a PISSED OFF SOON TO BE DIVORCED WIFE.
the alternative could easily be a life long ban on firearms ownership (what the bitch intends as a vindictive act)

yes you are always at some level of risk of being falsely accused
but keep in mind, even if you did not have a weapon she could have made the same claim

the basic fact is that if your ever going to draw a pistol on anyone,
you damn well better be totally justified,
and in about 90% of those times you would be also justified in
discharging the weapon into the opponent threatening your life,
to prevent him(or her) from killing you or someone else

or as my dad used to say
" if confronted ,always back down, and apologize, to try to DE-escalate a potentially aggressive situation, even if its clearly not your fault, Always at least pretend to give a robber , crazy person, etc. what he wants , money can be replaced, look for a way out!, the last thing you want is to have to explain why you killed some slime ball, the financial and legal hassles make that a less than ideal option, most people regret having to defend themselves if it results in someones death eventually for several reasons "
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Grumpy is Right Correct.

The Old Guard I knew Local did the exact opposite always.
A Confrontation was a Daily Normal Activity.
Thet Taught me lots of Bad Stuff.
Italian & Sicilians.
I was with on Several Adventures.
You have a lot of valid points Grumpy and your dad a very wise man.
Herman is a real estate agent and buys property in north Philly where most of the shootings you hear about occur. I never even knew he had any gun let alone carry one. His wife wants him to look bad so she can get custody which doesn't look promising.
I've seen many guys that carry for the whole world to see and some I don't quite know why they carry unless your argument is that everyone should carry. I play cards with a small group that meets weekly. Mostly contractors
who for some reason have to let the whole world know they carry. I'm waiting for one of them to make the news if the stories they tell are true
I agree with Grumpy. Discretion is generally the better part of valor. It is a shame, but some people use an Order of Protection as a sword instead of a shield. In my experience, the one that yells the loudest is usually the most wrong, literally or figuratively. Gun ownership is our right, and in protecting our rights comes great responsibility.
I know sounds it corny, cuz it's from a movie,"In the possession of great power or strength comes great responsibity!" I also agree walking away is the smart move, if a gun is brought out chances are someone loses their life, you don't want that on your conscience just to show your strength. My Dad was a veteran of 3 wars, WWII, Korea, 2 tours in Vietnam. He told me he was responsible for at least 15-20 people losing their life, saying he wondered what St Peter's words were gong to be when his time was over. I think of his words often, I also own a few weapons myself, remembering him being a fine man, "Bob, only use them when your life is in danger, otherwise don't even pick them up!"
If I ever have to pull on someone it would be obvious & that person will ever call anybody ever again. PS stay away from X's