SELECTING 223 rem vs 7.62 x39 vs 308 win IN YOUR BASIC DEFENSIVE RIFLE

First unless you planing on a Post WW3 surviving I cannot see anyone claiming self defense on an attacker that is not closer than 15 feet, hard to claim they can harm you unless they are armed and firing at you, with either a hand gun or rifle.

I personally will not really care to life in a post WW3 world, so I plan on problems lesser than that.

I only plan on a in home or close personal attack, like a parking gerarge or my drive way or on a street.

Thus a small concealed hand gun and for home defense I have a M1 Carbin mounted in a Muzzlelite stock which makes it a nice short legal Bullpup Rifle. With a long magazine of 30 rounds, a fore stock LED Flash light and a Barrel mounter target laser, and scope it is a do any thing rifle.

Granted a 30Cal rifle is a tad under powered but the 30 rounds can make up for that I believe. They have a great rep for reliability, old story is Drop in mud wash out in stream keep firing all day.



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thats certainly an interesting option for an m1 carbine


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Yes and also I understand it as the Rifle is still its self stock with a full sized barrel so it is not a cut off thus it is legal.

One of the problems with a long gun is it is a long lever for a bad gun to take it from you. This style lowers that likely hood a lot.

Recoil is also lower and even a little more thanks to the M2 Deflector. I also have a M2 Magazine holder/release, and bolt.

One feature of a AR15/16 is their bold holding open after last round spent trick, I wish this had that, with a M1 the bolt closes on last round so to charge it you need to pull the bolt back...a split second delay which I hope to never need. The AR15 is held open so a slap of its release drops the bolt charging the chamber. Also the M1 does not just drop its magazine, you need to remove it, another split second delay...

The little button under the trigger guard allows me to control the flash light and laser sight with my second finger...I can flash them or lock them on.

The switches in front of the trigger guard in the fore-stock allow me to select flash light, or Laser or both. And the removable plate holds the batteries for both and is easy to replace with AAs.

The M1 Garand is a great rifle, BUT heavy, and NOT magazine fed it only holds some 8 rounds, which is reloaded by ramming the next set into the container under the bolt.

Also it tells everyone when it is empty with aloud clang, not that many remember how enemy fighter would attack when they heard that sound while our guys were reloading...of course some cleaver GI Joe's got a clicker to sucker them into attacking...

And it is a LONG rifle, which means in a home defence a LOT of gun sticks out in front or you and gives the bad guy a LOT of leverage to just rip it out of your hands, and last even if you hang one there is no room to swing it around in a norma sized bed room.

My tight short Bullpup has almost none of those problems.

And with 30 rounds of .30 caliber I am well packing....

A Bullpup, any Bullpup is the best urban weapon.

My 2 cents worth.


while you might not agree, the military style rifles tend to be some of the more durable and dependable options you have available,
and while typically not the most precisely accurate , most are far more consistently accurate,
than many shooters can master to the point the gun itself limits its effective range or use!
rifles like a decent 20"-24" heavy barrel AR 15, or a semi auto clone of a ,M1A1, H&K G3 or FAL tend to be very consistently lethal in well trained hands out to well past 400 yards.
and depending on ammo selected most will be very effective (if heavy) hunting firearms,
you can depend on for many decades , to perform well and consistently.
and there is zero debate on the fact the 7.62/51mm (308 win ) cartridge has much better range and penetration than the 223 rem or 7.62-39 cartridge, use of a 308 cartridge battle rifle easily extends the rifles potential range by more than 300 yards over a 223 or 7.62-38 in SKILLED HANDS
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watch the video, take a few notes
think through the fact that you and you alone,
may be the only source of potential protection for your family
Well the question is what will feed though these:

Also my understanding is full metal jacketed rounds do not have good stopping power as the can just bore hole all the way though, and silly they are the only legal round for world warfair...No dumb dumbs allowed.

I want hollow points for all my weapons.

But these are special as they need to feed:

2) 30 Cal M1 Carbines,

1) AR15

1) S&W 9MM

This is no problem for our revolvers.

My 30 Cal M1 are converted for urban fighting:


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I liked how low cost these M1s were/are, and their rep for working under all conditions, drop it in the dirt or mud, wash off in a river and keep shooting, no fussy problems common to the Ar15/M16, I loved how the army issued rubbers to combat men for their Rifles....

A running joke was getting two rubbers and being told: "One if for your Rifle and one is for your gun, make sure to use the one for your rifle, it may save your life."

Plus with their recoil springs in along side the barrel and charging lever they can be made so short with a Bullpup stock which you cannot do with a AR15, and still have a legal stock rifle barrel.

The only down side is servicing the M1 but they almost never NEED servicing as does the AR15/M16.

I did mount a Allen tool for such a case under the scope, the odd red thingy.

The button under the trigger guard allows controlling the flash light and a laser sight on the Bullpup with my second finger, no distraction turning them on...just squese the button.

The paratrooper also has a bayonet Knife. The deep grove in its fore stock is to allow a clearer view of the iron sights under the scope.

The ONLY reason for a my having a AR15 is for its fear factor, everyone knows these are deadly...

In most cases I rather scare them away than shoot them, body desposure is such a messy job.
yeah in florida, unlike texas, the trespasser clean up crew came free with the property__________________ in fact you had to be alert
walking around at night in some areas, like behind my shop at night, as it was surrounded on three sides by large deep canals
and we had a 1 acre pond in front of the shop that attracted those swamp puppies all the time
(even my dachshunds knew to stay at least 30 feet from the edge of the canals and pond)
they would always keep me between them and the canal or pond if walking with me ) I guess they were aware of the potential dangers
if you stopped walking they always wanted to be picked up.
my 4 dachshunds might not of been a major physical threat but they felt it was mandatory to go bezerk barking if anyone they did not recognize entered the driveway, and they thought the ups truck and mailmen were demons that could only be excised through frantic barking and growling





guy below is

installing part of the garages car thief recycling system

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Sadly those are like landmines, not selective to what they kill. No friend or foe system.

I BELIEVE IN GUN CONTROL: Gun control is HITTING what your aiming at.

yeah, its seems amazing that if you grew up in deep rural south fla, you rarely gave 2 seconds thought to a 5-7 foot gator rapidly running and diving into a canal as you approached its bank or seeing them walking through your yard at night
in fact we only got PAVED roads within 5 miles of my property about 9 years before I moved
paved roads seemed to attract the type of people who did not own a 4x4 truck or carry a shotgun in the back seat like all the adults I grew up with. and people who mentioned "UP NORTH in a positive way"

in fact there was a popular bumper sticker that said
So I would like a subsonic rounds for my AR15 and M1 Carbines, with hydro shock or hollow points.

And will 7.62 x39 or 308 feed in my AR15??
there are 7.62/39 AR15 rifles available (and while they work, they have a reputation for less stellar performance than the typical 223, as durability may suffer, or the better option, the 6.8 spc chambering, in the ar15, giving better accuracy , flatter trajectory and smoother function in the ar15 platform
the 308 win/7.62 51 must be used in a larger AR10
if your going sub-sonic the larger the projectile mass the more effective the carbine tends to be, so a
The . 458 SOCOM (11.63×40mmRB) is a moderately large round designed to work in an AR-15 platform. This is achieved by installing a 458 bolt and barrel. The 300-grain (19 g) round offers a supersonic muzzle velocity of 1,900 ft/s (580 m/s) and 2,405 ft⋅lbf (3,261 J), similar to a light
45/70 or it can be loaded down to about 960 fps with that 300 grain bullet for suppressor use
but most people wanting a suppressed 45 caliber ar15 might want the 450 bushmaster

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like with most things theres options and choices,
each option or choice has advantages and problems,
and cost and durability will be issues with many options
finding ammo or components like barrels and magazines can be an issue

some better AR15 options in my opinion
