First unless you planing on a Post WW3 surviving I cannot see anyone claiming self defense on an attacker that is not closer than 15 feet, hard to claim they can harm you unless they are armed and firing at you, with either a hand gun or rifle.
I personally will not really care to life in a post WW3 world, so I plan on problems lesser than that.
I only plan on a in home or close personal attack, like a parking gerarge or my drive way or on a street.
Thus a small concealed hand gun and for home defense I have a M1 Carbin mounted in a Muzzlelite stock which makes it a nice short legal Bullpup Rifle. With a long magazine of 30 rounds, a fore stock LED Flash light and a Barrel mounter target laser, and scope it is a do any thing rifle.
Granted a 30Cal rifle is a tad under powered but the 30 rounds can make up for that I believe. They have a great rep for reliability, old story is Drop in mud wash out in stream keep firing all day.
I personally will not really care to life in a post WW3 world, so I plan on problems lesser than that.
I only plan on a in home or close personal attack, like a parking gerarge or my drive way or on a street.
Thus a small concealed hand gun and for home defense I have a M1 Carbin mounted in a Muzzlelite stock which makes it a nice short legal Bullpup Rifle. With a long magazine of 30 rounds, a fore stock LED Flash light and a Barrel mounter target laser, and scope it is a do any thing rifle.
Granted a 30Cal rifle is a tad under powered but the 30 rounds can make up for that I believe. They have a great rep for reliability, old story is Drop in mud wash out in stream keep firing all day.