I have not been on the web site nearly as much as I wish I could be...

yeah, thats a very low percentage bet, I think she enjoys my hunting trip, and her resulting free time on her part ,
and after being married for 53 plus years I doubt thats the issue,
besides moving to Texas to be near her last remaining child was her idea not mine!
I would recommend that you call your healthcare insurance provider. They always have upper level support with either a nurse practitioner, PA or a doctor on staff that you can run your concerns by them about your wife’s treatment at the hospital. The insurance companies want stays to a minimum but they know too short and it will cost more returning with complications.
Tell them you are not excepting that the hospital is clueless about your wife’s condition. The last thing the hospital or your insurance carrier wants to see is you on the record patient medical record recognizing them for inconclusive or a shortfall in diagnostics. This is what medical subrogation attorneys live to litigate.
thank you,! that's surely on my list of things Il be doing shortly
shes dues to be released later today, but thats still up for grabs, at least they located the issue, its a bad infection, both urinary and surrounding female areas they have her on two different antibiotics and special diet restrictions they assure me will correct the issue quickly,
i've been getting about 4-5 hours max sleep a day lately

btw I've been scheduled for knee replacement surgery, several times over the last 3 months,
as I can barely walk or stand!
and each time some BS comes up delaying the procedure,, I now find my surgeon,
is retiring this month, (the real reason for the constant delays)
but I found a new surgeon, willing to do the surgery , we shall see how things go from here
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The should be calling it a kidney infection that caused a bladder and urethra (known collectively as the ureters) also involving the vestibule for the infection.
Let me guess, 500 mg Ciprofloxacin, right? Or they should be.

no, two other antibiotics, cephal... and cefdin....they tried Ciprofloxacin and it would not work in her particular case
plus Ciprofloxacin had her puking every 20 minutes, causing her to constantly be dehydrated, even on an IV
Those 2 are broad spectrum antibiotics, meaning having both will attack gram negative and gram positive bacterium.
The cipro was likely too strong and killed off a few billion ecoli in her digestive system
I just was thinking. The hospital is prescribing by standard proceedure, likely saving lab costs not doing cultures so that why the Cefdinir and Keflex. only one will work, likely it’s the Cefdinir.
Well I hope you have an un-eventful holiday weekend! Btw, how is it staying at your son’s place? Any privacy? I’ve got a full blown guest suite here, might be cooler and we can talk about a new storage shed.
thanks for offering, I don't think she or I are in shape to travel at this time, and I'm still tentatively on hold for local knee replacement surgery
Winter is the best season for rehab anyway. Stanford just concluded a 2 decade study that found feelings of wellness drops of significantly during high heat weather condition. School grades drop down double digits, their lowest in over 30 yrs from the high heat this summer too.
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So how’s the wifey doin’? Did you get her some flowers? Better get some, you’ll get some mileage out of them!
just a heads up,
I have not been on the web site nearly as much as I wish I could be...
simply because I have been in the hospital with my wife,
who is having some medical issues.
I don't know how this will play out but hopefully things improve:sad:
I wish you the best of luck with your wife and hope they find the cause of her issues and are able to deal with them quickly and easily. I also want to mention my appreciation for the information that you have taken the time to put on this site. I have learned so much though the decades. Thank you!!!
thank you!
Ill post more as conditions change and hopefully improve