I have not been on the web site nearly as much as I wish I could be...

I have been forced to move my old boss man's 30 years of cars he couldn't sell that he just put in his old warehouse and let sit in midtown atl. for the last mo. and hope your wife is getting better, but I have what looks like the makings of a junk yard on my back 40 ran out of room inside the 20 by 60 shop l built in the 90s very fast but have the old steel roof tin off the building from years ago when they had it replaced andit has leaks ever since at the clear plastic panels that they put in center of it, but cement is still high priced so a dirt floor is better than the conv. cars sitting in the rain, his wife has a car crusher guy that cleaned a few shells of cars out of the ft. door back when steel was 12cent a pound, but luckily prices went down and they want to charge her for them now so I have more time? to sell some of the ones that I can get running easily,