if your into firearms , watch this video making you aware of the ATF, ever expanding abuses


The Grumpy Grease Monkey mechanical engineer.
Staff member
if your into firearms , watch these video's making you aware of the ATF, ever expanding abuses
the ATF, having an unquenchable desire to expand and control all things firearm related has passed
rules without congress even passing laws that constantly require the agency to demand more funding to "CONTROL" the lawful firearms owners
and restrict their rights because they think theres a home grown terrorist and an illegal gun behind every blade of grass

the ATF needs to be totally defunded and disbanded abolished
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the ATFe is stepping on lots of legal "TOES" by changing rules and definitions as they go along,
making what was legal ,... items that were perfectly legal to own for decades,
are now illegal, without any laws changing, just their
interpretation of the rules and definitions changing
to allow them to enforce those new rule interpretations', and people are resisting as a result.
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CHEVRON DEFERENCE ABUSE is now going to be much more limited
chevron deference is a process where the ATF can INTERPRET or RE-INTERPRET, or redefine laws passed by congress,
by changing DEFINITIONS , or wording, to now MEAN, damn near anything they want the laws to be,
by suggesting that what congress really meant was .
...and that tends to be.. their version
whatever their current ever changing politically correct at the moment definition needs to be!
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ATF seems amazed that

but they have no issue changing existing regulations to make millions of
civilians into CRIMINALS by rewording those existing regulations

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bidens pissed that the ATF 2024 budget was slashed ,
so he's potentially raised ATF budget to 2 billion for 2025
that of course won't happen if he's not re-elected

SCOTUS court limits the ATFe's ability to randomly change and rewrite the text of laws on the books
so they can't just interpret, or modify the original meaning and original intent of those laws ,
to constantly & incrementally expand the ATF's power!
definitions' of the words and meaning of the words, in the second amendment, and any laws written, now to restrict civilian, firearm access,
must match the original founders intent, and match laws that were written at that time (late 1700's) not the current liberal democrat ever more restrictive political agenda.
thus the ability to manufacture your own firearm or buy one can't be significantly or totally restricted

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understand the ATFe political goal ( and the democrat elite) is total civilian disarmament,
and a massive increase in funding and personnel

they do and say what they can get away with, and the current political goals conflict with the ., constitution and supreme court rulings
as always its about control and money , they want both and they don't want you to have any.
control, power or civil rights or legal rights

liberal dems only feel they should have a right to mandate how you live
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Im certain the ATF will not be eliminated but maybe put back into a place where they don't randomly make up rules!
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another whack-o liberal idea,(PROPOSED)
the ATF needs to keep an unqualified, agent at every gun shop,
to administer psych tests to every potential gun buyer,
before they are allowed to purchase any firearm
and you know the cost will be passed on to the gunshop,
who will be forced to drastically increase prices
(the whole idea) to drastically reduce firearm sales,

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I don't doubt for a second that the eventual political goal is in preventing
the transfer through inheritance of all firearms in the civilian population.

if this is left to stand as law..
thus the democrat goal has a first step, towards forcing current owners,

must give up ownership or the ability to have firearms transfer to other family members
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IM glad to see people, and at least one sane judge,
realize the sinister potential and abuse of power of this
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