more good news regarding the second amendment and your rights

a minor improvement but still its something that might be helpful.

even a few of the politicians,
are getting fed up with the crap the liberal lawyers are pushing,
to advance gun control & confiscation
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OK Can I get a simple version of this?? Can we or can we not own them?

And what about suppressors?? I read that firing a gun in a home can deafen you and your family, I TOTALLY feel a suppressor should be legal for self defense.

the correct answer depends on both your state and current federal laws, in most states,
you must purchase a machine-gun registered prior to 1986
and pay a $200 tax after a back ground check to own a legal machine-gun
since there's only something like 120 thousand legal guns registered prices are absurdly high.
there are some other minor restrictions like you must keep the paperwork accessible and you can't travel out of state without prior written permission. (and you must store it in a safe)

BTW I know a few people that own legal fully auto, guns, most gun ranges won't allow them, even with paperwork showing they are legal
the feds can make it a P.I.T.A. to own one legally, just because they can.(different states and ATF offices have wildly different attitudes)

btw the similar conditions exist for suppressors in that
in most states,
you must purchase a suppressor if you buy a new or registered existing one and pay a $200 tax
recently the ATF made the process much faster and much easier, a vendor familiar with selling legal suppressors will walk you through fast and easily
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potentially this might be a good thing

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this might be good news
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heres what strict gun control gives you, the liberal political elite is well aware that criminals ignore laws
gun control is never about reducing crime its about control over the people , especially if the political elite has future plans,
to mandate laws that the population will resist. perhaps violently.
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it looks like things might improve
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