the absurdity of forcing a switch to totally electric cars/trucks


The Grumpy Grease Monkey mechanical engineer.
Staff member

there's hundreds of these videos, but the fact is you're screwed if you swap,
to the fully electric truck/cars
not only does the
vehicle have very limited range, the batteries don't last more than a few years (4-5) in many cases,
before,the charge rate is slowed or greatly reduced , the batteries wear out and are environmentally toxic,
and very expensive to replace making a used vehicles resale price very low,
because the new owners needs to calculate added cost of new batteries as will anyone purchasing the car from him later.

my B.I.L purchased a used hybrid truck, the battery's were only able to drive about 2 hours max before they were running the gas engine almost constantly, he had purchased the truck to make local trips for his appliance repair business thinking it would save him on gas costs,
the cost to replace the batteries was quoted at $6700 and there was a 3 week wait, plus install costs so he sold the truck after owning it less than 12 months
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there's several potential improvements on the horizon that may/might make electric cars/trucks a more reasonable proposition,
once the inevitable bugs are ironed out through trial and error and experience
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I totally agree with you Grumpy. If the sales of EVs weren’t propped up by govt subsidies, sales would be abysmal! I’m not against EVs, they have their place, but the way state and federal govts are pushing/forcing EV sales on the public and attempting to eliminate IC engines is obscene.

If EVs are such a good idea, let them stand or fail on their own merit!!!

Here are some more issues concerning EVs from an interesting article I came across:
Unsold Electric Cars May Signal A Death Spiral For The Auto Industry

These are the reasons they gave (quote from article):

“With new EV inventories beginning to increase on dealer lots, the auto industry has many challenges, such as locating the buyers that may have serious concerns about a wide range of issues related to EVs, including:
- Driving range,
- Vehicle reliability,
- Price,
- The availability of electricity for the buildout of the charging infrastructure,
- Charging time,
- The cost and lifespan of batteries and their environmental impact,
- The actual impact EVs will have on reducing carbon emissions,
- The growing statistics about uncontrollable fires of lithium batteries in EVs,
- Problems with battery recycling and end-of-life management,
- Concerns that the EV free ride of usage of highways and not paying fuel taxes is about to end with the vehicle mileage tax (VMT), i.e., more costs for the EV owners of the future.
- Concerns that home chargers are destined to follow the UK and be on separate meters so that EV charging will be at higher rates to help stabilize the electrical grid, again, more costs for the EV owners of the future.

Another problem for the automobile industry is convincing the buyers that its ethical, moral, and socially responsible to buy an EV, especially since most of the exotic mineral and metal supplies to build the batteries are being mined in developing countries with limited environmental regulation and no labor regulations.”

Another thing that bugs me is how Dodge has abandoned its line of IC performance vehicles for EV vehicles with the top model Banshee costing around $100k. They tout that the new performance EVs will have some kind of battery powered “Chambered Exhaust” pipe organ on it that supposedly can get as loud as 126 decibels to imitate the sound of a Hellcat. Really?

I guess I’m old school, but that’s definitely not for me. A major step backward for Dodge IMHO. Guess we’ll see how they sell and how Dodge fairs with this radical departure from its performance heritage...

there's a good deal of info in the video

Im impressed that there's so many options ,
and TOYOTA seems to be far more innovative than ford or G.M. in a few areas
and several options ,look like they will be far more environmentally friendly and much more cost effective,
than electric battery cars
plus they use far less rare/expensive/politically controlled (chinese supplied metals)
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a hint of sanity in the congress? don't get your hopes up yet!

you can safely bet the farm, they are trying to cover up the facts
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given some more research and time this looks rather promising,
as a potential improvement over current technology
but the power grid would need to almost double in terawatt capacity if all trucks & cars are electric
and millions of homes would need to be rewired
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it remains to be seen, yet this looks promising
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now I could see something similar to this might make sense to own in a few limited circumstances
"It’s for the greater good…"

IF "GOOD" is filling politicians pockets with kick-back money!

california now looking to outlaw use of pre 2010 cars with gas engines and eventually all gas engines!
thus to save the liberal fantasy of forcing use of all electric cars on the population

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politicians cheating and lying..... and in some cases getting paid under the table who would ever have thunk that :facepalm: :swearing:

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