garage security

Exactly, make your self the hardest target possible.

And those guys are crazy good, often they will practice a lock for hours before posting a vid.

I find if i practice a lock, i can get it over and over.
Then just like that, i loose the touch and i can't open another lock until i get a good nights rest.

There are some other attacks that open a cheap master lock every time.

The lock i have on my shed i bought as an advanced lock sport.
The shed only houses my compressor, and does not look out of place.
Peace of mind with a crazy neighbor kid that hates me with my toys and noise... lol
(Crazy story there)

That lock = Special tools and skills are needed.
Eaiser to break my shed door.

try hard to make friends with your neighbors, and be observant, get their phone numbers and call if you see something questionable and encourage them to call you if they see anything suspicious
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while there's no way to prevent all crime, you can significantly reduce the odds by taking some logical steps to make theft much less easily accomplished,

parking in a fenced yard helps

having an alert dog certainly won't hurt

parking in a locked garage with its own security system helps a great deal
a very loud siren you can trigger if you see suspicious people on your property certainly has merit!
car alarms, that are mounted well out of easy reach in or on your garage that are tripped by motion sensors and having a battery back-up is useful.
having a paging system is also helpful, my wife generally used the paging from the house to yell at me in the shop when I could not hear or ignored her mobile phone calls
(nothing like a siren motion lights and a voice on the paging speakers, that says
(I've got the shotgun! we can show the cops the video, let the two rottweilers loose and call 911)

locking gas caps
steering wheel locks
and hidden gas line flow valves,
will reduce the chances of vehicle theft

having motion sensor outside lights that can be rather easy to also connect to an alarm notifying you of movement detected by the sensor

having a security system with outside cameras and motion sensor lighting that has an audible alarm, if movement is detected and a video monitoring screen will help, as will making it obvious that you have installed such theft prevention measures such as making cameras , lighting, a locked fence and a few signs on the property boundary obvious.
yeah, it costs money and its a P.I.T.A to install, but you can do a great deal to improve security and do it over time in small less expensive steps.

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its rather unfortunate but its certainly a fact,
there are some people who seem to think they are entitled to have anything that's not nailed down or chained up, simply because they can't afford it, and you have it!
in their warped way of looking at the world,
its totally unfair that they would be required to earn the money required to legally purchase something through labor or having acquired skills and knowledge , and trading their time and effort for material goods.

or put differently some people are jealous of others possessions,
I've seen $%^^&& deliberately run a key across a new cars paint , causing hundreds of dollars in damage and when caught they said
" the rich SOB can afford to fix it if he owns the car"
it just makes sense to try and protect your possessions if you can!

a few potential tips

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in many states the truck owner shooting at car thieves would be arrested,
because the criminals only committed a PROPERTY CRIME (vehicle theft)
in some states, the car thieves are risking their lives
(know your states laws or you could be in big legal trouble for shooting thieves in some states)
others are much more reasonable about shooting car jackers and home invaders
tracking chips for cars and trailers
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this looks like it might be a darn good deal in some of its options/applications
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I secured my garage door with two linear solenoids. The garage door opener light powers them when the door opens or closes.

(while that's very VERY impressive .. RICK)
I love the clear detailed photos and the concept of delayed locking pins in the track of the overhead door,
and the explanation of how it functions ! :like:
Id point out that
it looks like the mount bracket that looks like its made from fiberglass
or rigid but semi flexible plastic, was custom fabricated ( 3D printed),
and knowing how totally inept most people are...
and how few 3d printers are, matched with people that also know how to operate one,
in most garage's, ...and knowing from experience that only a few people understand,
exactly how you so skillfully custom fabricated and wired up, electric solenoids, springs etc. you obviously sourced locally,
I doubt they could duplicate what you've so skillfully custom fabricated
(unless you're interested in starting a small business offering semi complete, pre assembled, locking apparatus and instructions):like:

that even your average non-tech guys can easily follow without screwing the install up.

I'm thinking of people I know that went days thinking their power garage door opener was worn out or burned up,
when it was simply a tripped electrical panel breaker
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Even if I supplied all the pieces in a kit, they would still have to wire from one of their lights on the garage door opener to the solenoids. Do you think a kit would be good enough?

The frame assembly could be made from wood I would think, Those solenoids are very strong and would have NO trouble pulling them in wood.
a kit with detailed instructions and pre-assembled solenoid/locking pin assembly should be enough
and Id post the detailed instructions in the add for the dual locking assembly,
and you'll need to price it high enough so you make a profit , yet low enough so its not prohibitively expensive
(that can be tricky)after having it securely packaged and shipping it to lord knows where
never ship ANYTHING overseas or to a P.O.BOX and be arn sure its fully paid for before you ship.
if the solenoid's on both the track locks not pre-mounted(pre assembled)on their two synthetic backing plate's
the package deal that looks impressive and rather well designed has lost a significant percentage of its (CURB APPEAL)
trust me having been in several businesses, price it high enough so your profit covers the inevitable few total idiots you'll surely deal with
you'll have problems eventually with a few total idiots and scam artist scum, in any business,
if you were selling 5 lb gold 24 carrot ingots for $100, each, most people are reasonable, but there's the 5%-10% looking to scam everyone else, and people who are totally clueless
who could not follow any instructions even if you include a video on the proper installation procedures
I had one idiot when I was in an appliance parts repair business order an $800 component I shipped in a 36" x 44"x 12" cardboard box that weight
34 lbs
who shipped me back a broken cbs block in a 12" x 12" x12" box that weight 12 lbs and demanded a full refund
ebay gave him that refund because he had proof (a UPS SHIPPING RECEIPT) he shipped it back!!
another, shipped me back his old burned out components even though I had photos of the component with the serial number, on it.,
clearly displayed
sitting on his order before I shipped it ,
and a picture of the burnt up trash he returned with a different serial number

yes you can potentially make a good profit from business,
but your forced to deal with a few morons, scammers, and thieves when you deal with the public,
and if you make a significant on going profit you'll have someone eventually selling a cheap low quality version claiming you're cheating buyers while they offer a better deal.
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The price for the Dormeyer 3000-1-M is all over the place, from nearly $100 each to $47. I have to wonder about that $47 option. The next closest option is $63.

I can't see making a kit available for less than $200 up. I think that puts it out of reach for most, rather spend than on the car.

yeah, that puts it priced where the volume of potential sales might not make custom kit assembly not really worth the hassle
you might find it was not a fast seller.
in most products there's at least a potential 25%-100% profit margin if its worth doing financially
now for example my new shop, in TEXAS and my old shop in FLA, had two over head doors,
and if I had installed power garage door openers,
I think $400 -$500 or a bit more for the added electrical solenoids auto locking security on the shop doors,
would be well worth the price, but having talked with dozens of guys over several decades
I've found many guys are too lazy and cheap to just throw a serious padlock on the shop door trackways that might cost them $15 each
and when I installed motion sensor lighting inside and outside my florida shop many guys questioned me as to the potential minor increase in my electrical bills, that the local dogs, cattle and horses that were almost a daily occurrence in my yard as many of my neighbors stock, and pets were almost always getting loose and exploring. (yes all our yards were fenced in, but most of us left the driveway gates open much of the time for the UPS and FEDEX etc. (if we did not they generally chucked deliveries over the fence where we might not see the items for days,)
I don't know how you have 5-20 acres that were the MINIMUM land size in my old neighborhood and would even notice the minor increase that motion sensor lights outside your shop and home might generate, I doubt it was ever over an extra $30 a month and most likely far lower.

trust me you've never heard a wife scream like the first time a neighbors horse walked up to her in the dark,
(before I installed motion lighting almost everywhere in the yard)
while she was just getting home after dark, and her being a city gal, unaware there was a horse was in the yard,
and that horse tried to get her to hand over a treat like her owner always did, by nuzzling her back and whinnying.
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